about me.

I built my first computer at eleven. In May 2023, I gratuated cum laude from the University of Maryland with a degree in Computer Science and minor in Cybersecurity. Tinkerer, runner, reader and AI enthusiast.

ariqbailey@me.com | D.C. area | phone # in resume



c#, typescript, sql, python, java | sveltekit, stripe, pocketbase | tailwind, bootstrap, css

relevant classes

object-oriented programming, discrete structures, computer systems, advanced programming languages, algorithms, applied probability and statistics, linear algebra, computer and network security, data science, machine learning, human computer interaction, advanced algorithms, natural language processing, penetration testing


inquisitive; insightful; earnest


a secure, intuitive, and insightful organizational AI platform for small to medium sized businesses. built with sveltekit, pocketbase, openai, and dokku. click here to learn more


costar group

july 2023-present

build and mantain Stripe eCommerce platform with $10MM annual subscription revenue

updated legacy C# Stripe SDK to current version

developed integration testing to ensure eCommerce platform stability

costar group

june 2022-august 2022

extended C# engine translating JSON to Elasticsearch DSL

enabled searches against multiple fields by creating a generic method using lambda expressions

introduced support for boost values, nested queries, and boolean operators

drastically increased company-wide financial data access speeds

costar group

june 2021-august 2021

coded C# endpoints for contract upload and download; secured using Json Web Token

built a responsive UI using Angular/C# to test previous tokenization API

built an Angular/C# utility using Adobe Sign API to display info for 10,000+ users

created an injectable singeton service to maintain hydration of OAuth access token

jewish federation of princeton mercer bucks

july 2019-june 2021

wrote Java programs to help manage clientele database of 800+

consolidated and pruned data from Blackbaud eTapestry reports

implemented Apache POI Library to generate excel spreadsheets

roundview capital

summers 2016 and 2018

built a leveraged buyout calculator application in Java for company clientele

compiled stock data from Bloomberg, IEX, and Alpha Vantage

implemented multivariate regressions in Python using scipy and statsmodels libraries

delta upsilon

december 2020-november 2021

facilitated recruitment for two semesters with 150% rate of replacement, built a dependable committee, ran outreach events and communication workshops

© Ari Quartner Bailey 2024 | Coded by hand and hosted on my Raspberry Pi